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This information was supplied by Paul Roche who having bought a caravan noticed a minor problem! I let him tell his story:

"I bought my Lucida from a dealer in Stockton-on-Tees in August 1999. “K” reg, 25,000k recorded, directly imported from Eire, having had 3 Toyotas of varying styles etc. previously. A wonderful vehicle. It was my first ever diesel and first ever automatic (had to be both to satisfy the demands of my young lady!) I’m Hooked.

I bought a caravan on impulse about 4 weeks ago, giving no thought whatsoever to fitting a tow-bar. Plan ahead-what’s that?

Local companies would not/could not supply anything to fit a Lucida. (I have subsequently discovered that they can be imported from Japan – at a cost of about £600!!!!!. A bit OTT I think)

My local garage owner put me in touch with a gentleman in Chilton, Co. Durham who designed, fabricated and fitted a bespoke tow-bar at a very reasonable cost. I think it gave him a bit of a head-ache, but he did the job perfectly and made modifications as required quite happily and without a moan. It’s so nice to receive good service these days.

So, of course, he now has the design and drawings at hand. If anyone should require a  tow-bar, I thoroughly recommend this gentleman."

Mr. Peter Summers
Fleet Enterprises
Units 1C & 1D Chilton Industrial Estate,
Co. Durham
DL17 0PB

Tel/Fax: 01388 721 797


Here are a few photos of Paul's bespoke tow-bar:

PR_Towbar_1 PR_Towbar_2 PR_Towbar_3 PR_Towbar_4






The following information, supplied by Richard Greenwood, concerns a company that fits tow bars to Estimas, that is based in the south:

I have just had one fitted to mine and being down in the South I think this company is about the only on down here that does them.

The company is  Watling Engineers Limited
                                 88, Parkstreet Village,
                                 Nr. St. Albans,
                                 Herts. AL2 2LR
                                 Tel No. 01727-873661          Fax: 01727-875029

The unit was very reasonably priced and included the fitting of a bypass relay which is essential if your vehicle dashboard has the symbol which shows when a light is out.
The staff their were very polite (including coffee) as I got back a little bit early.   Total fitting time was approximately two and a half hours.

Please note, I have had no dealings with either companies and therefore do not recommend them. However, they would seem  worthwhile contacts if you need a tow bar.