This information was supplied by Paul Roche who having bought a caravan noticed a minor problem! I let him tell his story: "I bought my Lucida from a dealer in Stockton-on-Tees in August 1999. K reg, 25,000k recorded, directly imported from Eire, having had 3 Toyotas of varying styles etc. previously. A wonderful vehicle. It was my first ever diesel and first ever automatic (had to be both to satisfy the demands of my young lady!) Im Hooked.I bought a caravan on impulse about 4 weeks ago, giving no thought whatsoever to fitting a tow-bar. Plan ahead-whats that? Local companies would not/could not supply anything to fit a Lucida. (I have subsequently discovered that they can be imported from Japan at a cost of about £600!!!!!. A bit OTT I think) My local garage owner put me in touch with a gentleman in Chilton, Co. Durham who designed, fabricated and fitted a bespoke tow-bar at a very reasonable cost. I think it gave him a bit of a head-ache, but he did the job perfectly and made modifications as required quite happily and without a moan. Its so nice to receive good service these days. So, of course, he now has the design and drawings at hand. If anyone should require a tow-bar, I thoroughly recommend this gentleman." Mr. Peter Summers Tel/Fax: 01388 721 797 e-mail: pbsummers@fleetent.freeserve.co.uk Here are a few photos of Paul's bespoke tow-bar:
The following information, supplied by Richard Greenwood, concerns a company that fits tow bars to Estimas, that is based in the south: I have just had one fitted to mine and being down in the South I think this company is about the only on down here that does them. The company is Watling
Engineers Limited The unit was very reasonably priced
and included the fitting of a bypass relay which is essential if your vehicle dashboard
has the symbol which shows when a light is out. Please note, I have had no dealings with either companies and therefore do not recommend them. However, they would seem worthwhile contacts if you need a tow bar. |