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Hello, I'm Paul Sumner the Webmaster for The UK Toyota
Estima Site. As you've managed to find this site, the chances are that you are thinking of
buying a Toyota Estima MPV, or perhaps already own an Estima.
How the Site Came to Exist
Like you are
probably doing now, I wanted to find some information regarding the Toyota Estima,
However, I initially came up against a problem, after searching the net, using as many
search engines I could find, I still couldn't get the sort of information I wanted. Plenty
of information on the sexy imported sports models, but for us family types, well come on,
unless you can afford a desirable two seater as well as a family car, where do you go to
look. So I decided to continue my research, collate all the information and create my own
site with the results.
I would like to point out at this stage,
that this is a personal website, and has no affiliation in any shape or form to either any
Toyota company, nor indeed any other manufacturer or any company I've included a link to.
However, there are some discount opportunities that have been negotiated with a few
companies see the Special Offers page.
How You Can Help?
I do not pretend
that this site is all encompassing as my research is still continuing, indeed if you have
any information regarding the Toyota Estima model range, please let me know and I will
include it on this site and give you a special mention.
The sort of information that is in demand
- Reliable service facilities
- Parts suppliers
- Spare parts used by you, (price, make, part number,
supplier etc.)
- Good bodyshops etc.
- Problems encountered, and how they were solved, if
indeed they have been!
- Insurance companies used and premium paid
This is important, I do get a lot of
enquiries, and there are some that I just can't answer, particularly mechanical type
questions, as I am no mechanic. So the more information of this type that you feed me,
then the more useful this site shall become, especially in answering the type of queries
that people want to know the answer to. It's easy, just click on the revolving e-mail icon
in the left panel, and send me what you have to say.
I also regularly get asked if I can
recommend companies, whether for parts supply, servicing or whatever. These are very
sensible and understandable questions, however, I cannot recommend companies that I have
not had first hand experience of, I'm sure you will understand that. But, if you have had
good or indeed bad experiences of companies you've used, then as I said above - let me
know, then we will all know!
Also, if you have a query, please feel
free to ask me, the chances are that you are not the only one who wants to know the
answer. If I can't answer it, I will post it on the Can You
Help? page, and someone out there will provide an answer. The question and answer will
then be moved to the FAQ page to help future visitors to the site.
One small thing I would ask, is that if I
have offered some advice or guidance, I would appreciate knowing how you get on. This is
perhaps one of the most important sources of information for me, so go on, mail me again
so I know how you've got on.
If there is any information that you
believe to be factually wrong, please contact me and I will correct it or remove it as
necessary. Also, if there are any links that should be removed or you would like added,
again please let me know and again I shall add/remove them as required.
Whilst the title of
the site states "UK" I would like to think that the majority of the information
is suitably international. I get visitors to this site from all over the world, and you
are all most welcome, and I appreciate all e-mails I receive, many including some
interesting facts and details regarding the Toyota Estima in other countries. So why not
send me an e-mail and let me know what you know!
It has also become
apparent to me that there are a number of dealerships in the UK who do not know that much
about the vehicles they supply! If you have particular questions of them regarding the
Estima range, be wary of the answers they furnish. Here are some examples of
misinformation I have been given:
- The Emina is a higher-grade model than the Lucida.
- You are not allowed to import the standard Estima,
because it is the direct equivalent of Toyota's Previa, and the government does not allow
that sort of competition.
- The cornering lights found on most models have been
described as extra fog lights!
- Toyota do not make a 4 wheel drive model
- The Lucida is smaller than the Emina.
Need I say more? I have a very low regard
for the second hand car trade, I realise that this situation is not new, but they give
genuine dealers a bad name.
In The Trade?
I have had several
companies approach me for me to include a link to them on my site, and I am always happy
to do this. So if you are in the trade for servicing, supplying parts or a car dealer
(sorry about the above section if you are one of the honest ones!) then e-mail me with
your URL and I will include it in my Links page. Also if you would like a full page on my
site dedicated to your business, just let me know what sort of discount deal you would be
willing to offer visitors to this site (no other charge!!), and I will create your very
own page here on The UK Toyota Estima Site!
And Finally
Thanks to all of my
visitors who have taken the time to contact me, and for those who have made a
contribution, with your help this site continues to grow.
Happy browsing!
Site Update Information
04/07/01 |
changed my Mailing List provider to Bravenet's service. Existing mailing list members will
be receiving e-mail invite's to the new service. If you're new to the site, please sign up
entering your details in the form above
03/07/01 |
- HELP - Due to a recent change
in job, I haven't been able to give this site the attention it deserves, for which I
apologise. I have two issues:
1) I do not have time to write new articles, FAQ etc. at the moment. If anyone
would like to write articles, compile more FAQ's or offer anything of value to the site,
then please do so. Compile your work and let me have it in either .txt or .rtf or .doc (MS
Word 97 or earlier please) and I will publish it to this site, giving you full credit as
appropriate. Graphic files can be in any well known format, preferably
compressed (.jpg, .gif).
2) E-mail queries. I enjoy receiving your e-mails, and have taken pride from
answering them within about 48 hours normally. It distresses me that I can no longer do
this. I have promoted the Toyota Estima SmartGroup on this site before (see new box above)
and I now ask that ALL queries be posted to this group and not myself. Whilst I will still
be more than happy to receive any other e-mails from your goodselves, I will not answer
any more queries until further notice. The members of the Smartgroup are far more
knowledgeable than me anyway on mechanical issues.
- Added new Toyota Estima Smartgroup Link box to
Home page.
- The ListBot mailing list will be closing soon,
as they intend to only run a professional service. I am currently looking for an
alternative for this service, where I can easily transfer my current mailing list. I will
keep you updated
- I've removed the ICQ link in the Navigator
Panel, due to lack of use. You can reach me on MSN Messenger if you so wish.
- I currently have interest from 113 people for
the Workshop Manual, I've decided to let this continue for a
while to see if we can't get the numbers up and cost down.
- Due to the reasons above, I shall not be
accepting any new Questionnaires, thank you to all who
completed them.
- I do have some more updates to add at the
moment, including some new Special Offers. They will be added as
soon as I can get around to them.
- Finally, just to reassure you, I am not planning
to abandon this site, just reducing my commitment, reluctantly, to creating/adding new
information at the present time.
09/05/01 |
- Created new page of labels/signs etc. I've found
in my Estima, that have very kindly been translated for me
by JJ (MAD Mechanic).
- Created new pages with some analysis of the Questionnaire Results (at last!)
- Added two new answers to the Can You Help? page.
- Added five new queries to the Can You Help? page.
- Added two entries to the Owner's Experiences page, the first relating to buying
spares in Malaysia.
- Moved five previously answered questions on the Can You Help? page to FAQ page.
23/03/01 |
managed to source a supplier of Japanese Toyota Estima Workshop
Manuals, translated into English, register if you are interested in obtaining a copy.
- Apologies for the site being unavailable in
Sunday 18th March to Tuesday 20th, this was due to a technical problem with my website
host provider.
- Again apologies, but I just haven't had the time
to analyse and prepare the Questionnaire results yet.
- Moved December's and January's updates to the Archive.
- Added details of a new service specialist to the
Links page.
- I've updated the Home page, it's about time!
(see above)
- Created new page for My Estima Review, reporting on how we've found our
vehicle to date.
- Added new entries to the Owner's Experiences page.
- Added four new queries to the Can You Help? page.
- Added six new answers to the Can You Help? page.
- Added new section to Links
page, Off-line Links for contacts without a 'net presence, with a first entry.
28/02/01 |
- I have received around 50 completed Questionnaires so far, thanks to all those who have replied
todate. I will collate the results and publish the analysis in my next update. I plan to
keep this open, and regularly update results for as long as answers keep coming in.
- A bulletin board has been set up just for anyone
interested in the Toyota Estima family. It was the idea of Jamie Forgan who authored the
article on Importing to Australia. Why not pay the group a visit and sign up.
- Created a new page as a link to the Special Offers available to visitors to this site.
- Created a new page for another company, Euro-Spec2000, who have kindly agreed to give discounts on a range
of items.
- Added two pages of a Japanese Car Buyers Guide,
that gives an indication to the level of specification for each model, to the Models & Specs. page.
- Added internal dimensions of the Estima to Models & Specs. page.
- Added 4 new queries to the Can You Help? page.
- Moved previously answered questions on the Can You Help? page to FAQ page.
- Added new Question to the FAQ
- Added a diagram to improve the explanation to an
answer on the FAQ page.
- Added new entry to the Owner's Experiences page.
- Added new answer to the Can You Help? page.
- Added a selection of Official Toyota Pictures to
the Gallery page.
- Added new details to the Owner's
Gallery, for the new model Estima from Japan, this has got a pretty awesome
specification, I'm jealous!
- Added another Japanese Service Specialist to the
Links page.
- Added some new pictures I've taken of My Estima, I'm afraid you can now see my ugly mug!
07/02/01 |
created a Questionnaire come survey to find a little out
about you Estimas. I'm also sounding UK residents out about creating a
"Club". Please take the time to complete it.
- Added latest DETR news release regarding changes
to SVA testing to be introduced later this year, to the SVA
- Added 4 more answers to the Can You Help? page.
- Moved previously answered questions on the Can You Help? page to FAQ page.
- Added new query on the FAQ
page regarding the ECT button.
- Added new query to the Can You Help? page.
- Added new e-mail link to the Links
page, for a New Zealand based supplier of parts.
- Added new entry to the Owner's
Gallery, the first "standard" Estima from New Zealand.
- I've also categorised the menu panel, hopefully
it is easier to read and navigate now.
- Moved November 2000's Update detail to the Archive.
here for previous update information