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Header - Workshop Manual.gif (6516 bytes)

new.gif (1147 bytes)NB: I will not be taking any new requests at the moment.

News at last on the workshop manual front! I have located a supplier in New Zealand, JPNZ who actually produce the Owner’s Manuals that are available at a discount to visitors of this site. The Japanese manual would be obtained from Toyota NZ, and will cover Lucida/Emina models. (Remember, if you want a manual for a full size Estima petrol engined version then either get a workshop manual from Toyota for right hand drive Previa or Tarago, or indeed a Haynes Manual for the same).

The manual's cost will vary depending on economies of scale, basically how many of you would like one. I know a lot of you do, as this is the most asked query from people around the world, and a common comment made by respondents to my Questionnaire, e.g.

  • If 100 manuals are ordered, then the cost will be £100 per manual
  • If 200 manuals are ordered, then the cost will be £50 per manual

NB: These prices are to be considered a guide only, final price would be dependant on number of orders made.

The cost may seem expensive, indeed it is, however consider the time it will take to translate a Japanese manual to English, and then the cost of printing them and then shipment.

If you are interested please fill out the form below, I will give visitors around two months to express an interest, so I will give a view as to whether this is worth pursuing in the autumn. If there are enough people interested, then it will take around two months for the translated manuals to be produced, once they have been ordered.

If you have any queries at all, please enter them into the Comments box, and if I can't answer them myself I shall get them answered for you.


Address 1:
Address 2:
Country: If "Other" please state:
E-mail address:
Estima Model:

Please note, expressing an interest here does not imply that you will order, or indeed will be supplied with a manual.