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26/01/01 |
- Updated Home page, added some Awards this site
has won, and removed the links to the Pay-to Surf schemes which have served me well, thank
you to you all who have signed up from here.
- Changed e-mail icon, time for a change I
- Added new entry to Owner's Experiences page, regarding the wiring setup for
installing a new stereo.
- Added two new answer to the Can You Help? page. Regarding oil cooling relating to towing,
and child seat anchor points.
- Added new query to the FAQ
page, regarding car care.
- Updated and tried to make both the FAQ and Can You Help? pages, adding an
index of questions to each page.
- Moved all answered (except recently answered) Can You Help? queries to the FAQ page,
thus just leaving unanswered queries on the Can You Help?
- Added six new dealers to the Parts section of
the Links page.
10/01/01 |
- Moved October update details to the Archive.
- Updated Japanese
Market page with a new Introduction, written by a very good friend of mine based upon
his recent visit to Japan.
- Added two new questions to the FAQ
- Added four new queries to the Can You Help? page.
- Added 45 new colours to the Paint Codes page.
- Carried out some routine maintenace to the site,
tidied up some links, typo's etc.
15/12/00 |
- Created new page on How
to Import a Toyota Estima from Japan.
- Created new page on what I went through during
the Purchase and Delivery process of obtaining my Toyota
- Created new page about the Companies I used in purchasing and getting my Toyota Estima on the
- Updated Purchase Diary,
I've now got it and it's on the road as of today!
- Clarified the How Much at Auction page, so that
it should now be clear which engine is the 2200cc Turbo Diesel and which is the 2400cc
- Added two new questions to the Can You Help? page.
- Updated a couple of answers on the FAQ page, one regarding changes required to vehicles to enable them to
pass a SVA Test, and the other adding fuel consumption figures
in MPG.
30/11/00 |
- Created a new page detailing another Special
Offer to visitors of this site, Japarts of
Hendon, are very kindly offering up to 10% off parts to visitors of this site, click here for details.
- Changed Home page (above) with new Special Offer
logo/links and our new Lycos Highly Recommended rating!!
- Fixed thumbnail problem on Owners
Gallery page.
29/11/00 |
- Updated Owner's Gallery
with a new section, for Toyota Estima's close cousins the Previa and Tarago. This example
is obviously taken care of very carefully, a lovely example of a US Previa.
- Added another couple of entries to the Owner's Experiences page.
- Created a new page giving Toyota Estima Model Release Information, many thanks to JJ aka Mad
Mechanic for translating and providing this information.
- Added new query to the Can You Help? page.
- Updated FAQ page with a
new question regarding the Fuel Water Filter.
- Created a new page so you can find out How Much an Estima Costs at Auction. There is quite a lot of data
on this page, so please be patient while it loads.
- Updated Purchase Diary,
and added details of one of the cars that was a near miss for me at an auction for the
entry 02/10/00.
- Added some pictures of an in-car TV and
Satellite Navigation to the Can You Help? page.
- Updated the Japanese Car
Auction page, with a link to the How Much at Auction? page
at the bottom of the page.
19/11/00 |
- Added new answers to the Can You Help? page regarding in car TV units and misting up
- Added details of another company that fits tow
bars to Estima Tow Bar page.
- Updated Links page,
added new link for another Service Specialist company and a Japanese export company, also
removed some dead links. I've added borders to the tables, hopefully making them easier to
- Created new page on the Toyota Estima's OBD Codes (On Board Diagnostics), that have been translated and
published by JJ the Mad Mechanic, if you haven't visited his site yet, do so now it's very
- Created new page with details on the preparation
for and the SVA Test itself.
- Added another entry to the Owner's Experiences page.
- Updated Purchase Diary.
09/11/00 |
- Updated list of Accessories on the Models & Specs. page, and added link to a copy of a
page from an original Toyota Estima handbook illustrating some accessories.
- Added explanation of why the Lucida/Emina models
came into being on the Models & Specs. page.
- Added two answers to the Can You Help? page, well done out there!
- Updated Links page, changed categories for a
couple and added some new ones. I recommend you view the new link for MAD Mechanic, I recommend the site highly!
- Updated Purchase Diary,
and also added link to an image of HUAL
Tribute, the vessel carrying my Estima.
- Added new entry to Owner's
03/11/00 |
- Changed graphic for standard Estima on the Models & Specs. page. I think this illustrates even
better the differences in the front wheel arch area between the Estima and the
Lucida/Emina models.
- Created new page so you can see how much your
Toyota Estima cost when new based on 1999 prices.
- Moved September update details to the Archive.
- Added new question to the Can You Help? page. I would be grateful, and so would those
you ask the questions, if you know the answer or can point me in the right direction.
- Updated Manuals page
with Import Handbooks new phone and fax numbers.
- Updated Purchase Diary
with news of my first delivery from Japan!
- Updated FAQ page with a
new question regarding roof rack/top box fittings.
18/10/00 |
- Changed Navigation Bar again, had to reduce the
size so my mini-Estimas had to go! Now you can select all the pages with one click.
- Added new query to the Can You Help? page.
- Tidied up All pages - I was leaving this until
the next time a given page was updated, but I had a little free time, so I did them all.
- Updated Purchase Diary.
- Created a new page on what it's like at a Japanese Car Auction.
13/10/00 |
- Updated My Estima
page, added six more photos, these will be the last.
- Updated Purchase Diary.
- Added alternative URL link for those of you who may have
trouble viewing this site, it might help.
11/10/00 |
- Updated Home page, with news of a special offer
on Owner Manuals to all visitors to this site and removed
- Updated Purchase Diary
- Updated My Estima
page, added 3 more photos.
- Updated Imported Car Show
page, with a short review of the show.
- Created new page for those of you who may want a
Tow bar for your Estima.
06/10/00 |
- Updated Purchase Diary -
Yup, the big day finally arrived, an Estima's been bought for me in Japan!
- Created new page for My
- Updated Gallery,
including link to My Estima page.
- Updated Home Page Introduction.
- Look out for the next update with information on
getting a bespoke tow bar for those of you you use caravans.
03/10/00 |
- Moved September update details to the Archive.
- Added separate page for Owner's
Gallery, with some new details.
- Added a new page for an excellent article, on Importing an Estima into Australia (A big thank you to Jamie).
- Added two new sets of pics. to the Gallery, a nice blue example, and a rare metallic yellow (just like
Jamie's above). If you like metallic yellow, then this one's for sale.
- Updated Purchase Diary.
25/09/00 |
- Added temporary new page
for the "Imported Car Show" on the 7th & 8th October, I've just received my
tickets. Especially for my visitors from outside the UK (and indeed those from the UK who
are unable to be there!), I'll try and do a short review if I find anything of interest to
this site, which I should.
- Updated Purchase Diary
19/09/00 |
- Added new page, to introduce the New Toyota Estima/Previa
- Updated Links page,
- new dealers
- link for those wishing to source a finance deal
- link for e-mail/news group based upon the US
- link for UK News Group based upon importing cars
- Updated Link Map.
- Updated Purchase Diary,
still no luck ....yet!
- Updated Can You Help?
page, with another answer supplied by a visitor to this site, this time from the USA! keep
them coming
- Updated Gallery page,
with the first entry for the Owners Gallery, a fine looking Toyota Estima Lucida X in
wine, with an unfortunate sad twist, (see next bullet)
- Updated Owner's
Experiences with the aforementioned sad tale, and another with a happier ending!
- Added icon
indicate latest changes/additions to pages.
06/09/00 |
- Added a logo to Navigation bar, and added new
header title logo to most pages.
- Pop-up windows have now gone and I'm back to
showing banner ad's at the top of each page.
- Updated Owner's
Experiences page, added new entry.
- Updated Can You Help?
page, an answer already! well done.
- Updated FAQ page, with one
more question and answer.
- Tidied up Links Page.
02/09/00 |
website host provider (Tripod) managed to lose my website from about 09:20 (GMT) on Friday
01/09/00! I managed to get it back online at about 15:30 (GMT) on Saturday. It resulted in
those annoying pop-up windows appearing for each page. I apologise for those and hope it
doesn't put you off too much. Rest assured I will try and correct the matter with Tripod.
- Removed the Hit Counter as it was reset yet
- Updated Purchase Diary.
- Updated Gallery with
some photo's of a fine looking wine Estima Emina (it's for sale!)
- Changed Navigation Bar on left of each page, I
think it's a little more friendly now, do you?
31/08/00 |
- Removed this site's "portal" page,
apologies to those who had this page bookmarked.
- Updated Links page,
corrected some incorrect links (still need to check links on the Link
- Created new Archive of
Site Update Information, which contains details of all updates before August.
- Created new Owner's
Experiences page, if you have any pertinent information, let me know and I'll publish
it on this page.
- Created new Can You
Help? page, containing questions I've been asked that I've not been able to answer or
get verified. If you know your Estima see if you can help some unfortunate soul, and the
whole world will be impressed by your knowledge and helpfulness!
- Updated FAQ page, added
another couple of questions.
- Unfortunately, I've had trouble downloading this
update (yet again!), which has meant my counter has been reset to 0. For those who may be
interested it was at 2344 visits.
21/08/00 |
- Minor changes to Start-up and Main/Home page.
- Corrected problem with Gallery,
now all images should open in a new window.
- Minor tidying up to Japanese Market page.
- Updated FAQ page with a
little more info. regarding parts and tidied it up a bit.
- Updated Purchase Diary
- Added a new information page on how an average
Japanese person goes about Buying a Car in Japan.
14/08/00 |
ListBot button to enable new users to join my NEW automated mailing list. This will
contain the brief details contained in this section of the changes that have recently been
made. Existing mailing list members will be sent invites to join this new mailing list by
e-mail. The "old" mailing list will no longer exist after this update.
- Updated Gallery page,
added new photos of Estima Emina/Lucida models, comparing them where possible.
- Updated Models & Spec.'s page, added some more details
regarding the turbo diesel engine used in the Estima range.
- Removed the "Google" search engine
facility from the Main/Home page.
09/08/00 |
- Updated Gallery page,
added new photos of Estima internals.
- Hopefully fixed further problems caused by
download problems encountered when trying to send updates to my web host.
- Tidied up Links page,
and removed those annoying 4x4's that dashed across the screen. Don't know how they got
08/08/00 |
- Updated Models & Spec.'s page, with a description added of
how the Lucida and Emina models came into being.
- Updated Gallery page,
fixing enlarging thumbnail problem, and requesting photos. for owner gallery section.
06/08/00 |
- Updated Models
& Spec.'s page, with a description added of Toyota's grading of Estima models.
- Created new Gallery
page, some unique pictures of a Toyota Auction House.
- Changes link images in Navigation border.
- Updated My Toyota Estima
Purchase Diary.
- Note: this update
has been interrupted halfway through due to technical problems downloading updates to my
host, so some of these changes have been around for two days
02/08/00 |
decided to take the plunge and purchase my Toyota Estima. Click here for My Toyota Estima Purchase Diary which will explain what I'm doing and
- Updated Links Page and Links Map, added another 10 dealers.
- Added an ICQ link in Navigation border, please
feel free to contact me if I'm online.
- Updated Models
& Spec.'s page with some features told to me by my valued visitors, i.e. you!
- Added quick Navigation Box to top of Models & Spec.'s page
- Added Cost/Year comparison chart to Models & Spec.'s page
12/07/00 |
07/07/00 |
- Added extra links page for WebRings I've joined,
click here to view them
06/07/00 |
05/07/00 |
- Updated Models
& Spec.'s page to reflect that only the Lucida/Emina models are fitted with the
turbo diesel engine.
- Updated Home Page regarding info. from dealers.
27/06/00 |
- IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Updated Models & Spec.'s page to reflect my latest
information. I've been misled by two dealerships in the UK and one in Japan, who all said
there were only two models the Lucida and Emina, and that it was only the Emina that was
narrower. There is in fact a third model just known as the "Estima", which is
the equivalent of the UK Previa in size. Sincere apologies to anyone who has been misled
by misinformation that I've passed on. Needless to say I shall be even more careful with
the information I'm fed.
- Added more FAQ's.
- Changed Main heading on Home page.
26/06/00 |
- Added FAQ page, more FAQ's to add soon.
- Added Toyota Colour Paint Codes that I know
about, accessed via FAQ page or click here.
- Added Site Search function.
25/06/00 |
- Updated Links page
- Added key to Safety checks, now you can
understand what the tests showed
23/06/00 |
- Added Geographical Link Map, now you can see
where the nearest dealers are to you. Click here to view map.
Please let me know if you like it, as it will take a lot of effort to keep it up to date!
- Still need to update Links list.
15/06/00 |
- In the process of redesigning links page, to
show where dealers etc. are based.
- Planning to drop the "Other Models"
page which has been under construction, and replace it with a FAQ page based on queries I
have received from my readers (keep them coming).